Iran EMS Tracking - Islamic Republic of Iran Post Co.

Select destination country for shipment
Frequently asked questions:
What is Iran EMS tracking number?
EMS parcels, mails and shipments from Iran have tracking number ending with 'IR', for example, EE123456785IR, RR123456785IR and CP123456785IR.
How to track EMS mail/shipments sent from Iran?
Copy and paste your EMS tracking number to search field above or use Islamic Republic of Iran Post Co. site.
How to track EMS sent to Iran?
Use your EMS tracking number, click to "via destination country EMS site" link to select Iran. Then use the link to track shipments.

Iran Express mail operator

Islamic Republic of Iran Post Co.

International Mail Processing Centres in Iran


IRASRA - Astara


IRBAJA - Bajgiran

IRBNDA - Bandar Abbas AIR Surface

IRDGNA - Bazargan


IRDJUA - Jolfa


IRKHSA - Khosravi


IRMHDA - Mashhad


IRPYKA - Payam Intl Airport


IRTAJA - Taibaad

IRTBZA - Tabriz Sorting AND Exchange

IRTHRA - Tehran Sorting AND Exchanges

IRTHRB - Tehran Mehrabad Airport

IRTHRC - Tehran C Imam APT Sorting/exchange


IRZAHA - Zahedan

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